Archives 2022

V Festival Chess in Salamanca

Salamanca Cradle of Modern Chess

Alumni – University of Salamanca organizes from October 23rd to 29th in Salamanca the V Chess Festival “Salamanca Cuna del Ajedrez Moderno” with the aim of commemorating that it was in our city where in 1497 the new born rules of modern chess were compiled.

These new rules were written by Lucena, a student of this University, who published them in a book titled “Arte de ajedrez con 150 juegos de partido”. One of these copies is preserved in the Historical Library of the University.

The Festival includes a wide program of activities:

  • A Master Tournament in which eight outstanding figures of the world chess will participate maintaining an equal number of female and male players.
  • Conferences
  • Film series
  • Simultaneous games
  • Round tables
  • A children’s tournament